Developed in Italy's Po Valley by the crossing of Podolic cattle with indigenous strains. They were consolidated in the nineteenth century in the province of Forli. They were crossed with Chianina during the period 1850-80. At the world exhibition in Paris in 1900 the Romagnola was distinguished as the best beef breed. A herd book was opened in 1956.
Romagnola is one of the larger breeds in the U.S. and is known for the ability to search for and survive on limited grazing range. The cows are white to light gray, while the bulls have more intense coloring; the neck and the area around the eyes are dark. They have black tipped horns. In both sexes the eyelids, anus, tail brush and muzzle are black, as is the vulva in female animals. Calves are reddish golden in their first months of life. They are extremely well muscled, are tolerant of both heat and cold, have good dispositions and reach sexual maturity relatively early for a large breed. Rapid gain, economical feed conversion, good dressing percentages and a good quality carcass are traits.
Bulls are noteworthy for their excellent libido, clean sheaths, pendulous scrotums and a mature weight of around 2700 pounds. Cows, which are known for their well-tucked udders, weigh between 1100 and 1600 pounds.
How to Contact the Breed Association:
Romagnola Association
3815 Tovzalin, Suite 104
Lincoln, NE 68507